How Net Cargo Logistics GmbH Uses Alternative Fuels to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Meet Shipper Expectations


NetCargo Logistics GmbH, a leading European transportation provider, faced upcoming European emissions reporting regulations and customer demands for sustainable options.


NetCargo Logistics GmbH joined the C.H. Robinson alternative fuel programme, initially switching two trucks to a synthetic biofuel.


  • Reduced CO2e emissions by 217,350 kg in the first eight months of the programme.
  • Saved money through fuel discounts thanks to their Tier 4 Green partner level status.
  • Grew their shipper base thanks to their sustainable delivery options.

The results speak for themselves. With insights and technology from C.H. Robinson, we’ve seen a significant drop in our Scope 3 emissions, proving that eco-friendly transportation is within reach.

- Jani Spais
Owner, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH

Our collaboration with C.H. Robinson shows that when companies share a vision for sustainability, real and impactful change is possible.

- Jani Spais
Owner, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH

Netcargo Logistics GmbH logo

Net Cargo Logistics GmbH is a C.H. Robinson carrier that specialises in cargo, courier and door-to-door delivering services in Europe and beyond. Like many transportation companies, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH faces the daunting challenge of meeting shipper expectations regarding sustainability or risk losing business. As an ecologically minded organisation, they continually strive to set new standards in the industry, making a positive impact on both the environment and the communities they serve.

Challenge: How to achieve a Scope 3 emissions reduction

When it comes to creating more sustainable supply chains, every kilometre travelled and every litre of fuel consumed matters. With upcoming European regulations urging all companies to report their emissions reductions, shipper expectations are changing, with a growing number expecting sustainable delivery options from the carriers they work with.

Net Cargo Logistics GmbH understands sustainability is not just a must-have for compliance, it’s a necessity for making a real difference. They also recognise it takes teamwork to drive meaningful and lasting change. So, when they wanted to expand their sustainable delivery options, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH approached C.H. Robinson for an innovative approach.

Eliminating emissions through alternative fuels in logistics

With help from C.H. Robinson, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH quickly learnt that identifying and eliminating inefficiencies are key to delivering cost-effective and environmentally conscious delivery options. One of the most inefficient contributors to carbon emissions in supply chains is fuel. One gallon of traditional diesel fuel emits 10,180 pounds of CO2, which quickly adds up for trucking companies.

To help with this glaring inefficiency, C.H. Robinson proposed a switch to synthetic biofuel, HVO100. The alternative fuel not only reduces up to 90% of net CO2 emissions, but it’s fully biodegradable, sustainable and renewable.

Net Cargo Logistics GmbH started participating in the alternative fuel programme with just two trucks using the synthetic alternative. This granted them Tier 4: Green partner level benefits, which includes fuel discounts and quicker payments (average is 48 hours).

Additionally, this strategic move helped Net Cargo Logistics GmbH gain better visibility to their actual emissions since every kilometre driven and every litre of fuel consumed was tracked and accounted for. From there, C.H. Robinson used the data to further help Net Cargo Logistics GmbH streamline truck routes and reduce empty kilometres. “Our collaboration with C.H. Robinson shows that when companies share a vision for sustainability, real and impactful change is possible,” explained Jani Spais, Owner, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH.

Real-world results for sustainable logistics today—and tomorrow

Thanks to the strategic collaboration of Net Cargo Logistics GmbH and C.H. Robinson, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH reduced CO2e emissions by 217,350 kg in the first eight months of the programme. This reduction is equivalent to eliminating emissions from 1.8 million kilometres of transport. “The results speak for themselves. With insights and technology from C.H. Robinson, we’ve seen a significant drop in our Scope 3 emissions, proving that eco-friendly transportation is within reach,” shared Jani Spais, Owner, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH.

Since the start of using the alternative fuel programme, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH has experienced many other benefits of the programme beyond Scope 3 emissions reduction:

  • Satisfied shippers: Because shippers prefer to work with Net Cargo Logistics GmbH due to the availability of alternative fuel options, they have an increasing number of opportunities for transporting the right freight.
  • Cost savings: Net Cargo Logistics GmbH saved money through fuel discounts through the programme thanks to their Tier 4 Green partner level status.

Due to the success of their initial two alternative fuel trucks, Net Cargo Logistics GmbH and C.H. Robinson are discussing the benefits of adding more sustainable delivery options, including transitioning more vehicles over to the synthetic fuel.