Automotive Logistics

How did C.H. Robinson earn our reputation as the original logistics leader?

It's simple. We go further when a job needs to get done and others can't.

C.H. Robinson can, through our unmatched expertise, unrivaled scale and tailored solutions.

We work across the full automotive supply chain to keep your freight running smoothly.

We collaborate with the vast majority of the top 100 tier one automotive suppliers, and the top ten OEMs, and our local multilingual experts are positioned across the globe where you need them most, with in-country experience offering the right solutions to meet the unique needs of your automotive supply chain.

Whether you're shipping differentials to Detroit Motors to Munich or alternators to Aguascalientes, C.H. Robinson has you covered.

Our integrated multimodal solutions ensure that when challenges come up, you can stay one step ahead with additional tailored services when you need them.

As the number one cross-border logistics leader, we manage over 2 million cross-border shipments in North America every year, and our real time visibility technology provides over 1 billion digital tracking updates, so you can understand your crucial shipment details at the item level and identify potential disruptions before they become a problem.

Track CO2 emissions through our technology, and work with experts who analyze your carbon footprint and recommend opportunities to meet your sustainability goals. Are you ready to build reliability and resiliency into your supply chain?

Trust the leader in automotive logistics to show you the way from end to end. Upstream to downstream. On time.

Just in time, we'll get you where you need to go. C.H. Robinson. We go further.

We go further for your automotive supply chain

When a job needs to get done, and others can’t, C.H. Robinson can. Our automotive experts can help you strategize and strengthen your supply chain, end-to-end. We work across the full automotive supply chain, seamlessly moving your freight from upstream to downstream, and help you navigate challenges and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

C.H. Robinson keeps your automotive freight moving, no excuses. Learn more about our automotive solutions.

Explore automotive solutions